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Eine Liste weiterer Literatur über australischer Kunst (die sich noch nicht im Bestand aboriginal-art.de befindet) wird ständig aktualisiert.
Literatur in unserem Bestand
Adair, Gigi und Anja Schwarz (Hg.): Postcolonial Justice in Australia. Reassessing the 'Fair Go', Trier 2016, ISBN 9783868216745
Inhaltsverzeichnis ¦ Klappentext ¦ Buchbesprechung
Gigi Adair and Anja Schwarz: Postcolonial Justice in Australia and the 'Fair Go': An Introduction -1-
Peter Kilroy: Postcolonial Justice? Recognition, Redistribution and the 'Mabo' Legacy -17-
Michael Pickering: Colonial Legacies: Is Repatriation of Remains an Act of Postcolonial Justice? -29-
Yann Le Gall: The Return of Human Remains to the Pacific: The Resurgence of Ancestors and the Emergence of Postcolonial Memory Practices -45-
Hannah Lili Boettcher: Contemporary Artistic Articulations of Aboriginal Rights: The Work of Daniel Boyd -61-
Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll: Partially Proclaimed. Pictographic Law in the 1830 Tasmanian Picture Boards, an Exhibition History -73-
Amelie Bernzen and Paul Kristiansen: Challenges for Organic Agriculture in Australia: Getting a 'Fair Go' -91-
Boris Braun und Fabian Sonnenburg: Autralias Geography of Joblessness: Local Job Deficits and Public Policy in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane -109-
Michael Ackland: A Working-mans Paradise? Christina Steads Verdict on Antipodean Socialism and Injustice -127-
Lioba Schreyer: A 'Cry for Justice': Mabo and Poetry -139-
Victoria Herche: 'Rights of Passage': Exploring the Liminal Position of Indigenous Australian Youth in Warwick Thorntons Samson and Delilah (2009) and Ivan Sens Toomelah (2011) -151-
About the Contributors -163-
This volume presents a collection of ten selected and expanded papers of the 2014 conference of the Association for Australian Studies (GASt) in Potsdam and Berlin. They are supplemented by a comprehensive introduction to the complex ways in which the universal notion of justice is continuously renegotiated against the local and cultural particularities of the Australian context. Often - though not exclusivley - concerned with the legacy of Australia's colonial past, the contributions address questions of access and redistribution, obligation and recognition, reparation and restitution, reimagination, reconciliation and forgiveness. The concept of the 'fair go', often posited as a key truth of Australian identity, promises a unique take on these issues. Together, the contributions combine historical depth and a breadth of disciplinary backgrounds with an ethical commitment to the possibility of a 'fair go' for all.