Literatur in unserem Bestand

Artlink 31 (2), June 2011: Indigenous. Beauty and Terror, ISSN 0727-1239

Inhaltsverzeichnis        ¦         Klappentext        ¦         Besprechung⁄Abstract



Daniel Browning: Alive and Kicking -32-

Stephanie Radok: Changing the Labels -34-


Glenn Iseger-Pilkington: Branded: The Indigenous Aesthetic -36-

Odette Kelada: An Encounter with the National Galleries -40-

Brenda L. Croft: Sell-Abrasion of our Nations -44-

Greg Lehman: Fearing Truganini -48-


Ian McLean: Trevor Nickolls: Other side Art -52-

Simon Wright: Denis Nona: Art Terroir-ist -56-

Daniel Browning: Ben McKeown: Sunshine and Lollipops -60-

Louise Martin-Chew: Fiona Foley: Public and Political -62-

Larissa Behrendt: Jason Wing: In Flight -66-

Dina Ibrahim: Jo Rootsey: Painting Country -69-

Una Rey: Mary Anne Mungatopi’s Tiwi Portraits -72-

Marianne Riphagen: Darren Siwes: Dialogue with Rembrandt -76-


Cath Bowdler: Yalangbara: Art of the Djang’kawu -80-

Rob Lane: To Hold and Protect: Mulka at Yirrkala -82-

Laura Risher: Romantic Landscapes -84-

John Kean: Blandowski’s Illustrated Encyclopaedia -88-

Tom Mosby: Torres Strait Islander Watercolours -90-

Stephanie Radok: Paint Every Hill: Billy Benn -94-

Sarah Scott: Yiwarra Kuju: The Canning Stock Route -96-


Georges Petitjean: Remembering Forward at the Museum Ludwig -100

Khadija La: CoBrA and Aboriginal Art at AAMU, Utrecht -104-

Arnaud Morvan: A Third Path: The Musée des Confluences -108-

Jo Higgins: Elcho Island: Morning Star over London -112-

Margo Neale: Aboriginal Art at the Vatican -114-

Susan Lowish: New Displays at Pitt Rivers Museum -118-

QIAMEA: Rising Queensland Indigenous Artists -120-

Christian Thompson: Donning Oxford -122-

Working Stories

Cate Massola: Art and Education at Warmun -124-

Paloma Ramos: Action at Canopy Artspace in Cairns -128-

Tess Allas: Euraba Paper Company, Boggabilla -132-

Felicity Wright: Working in Indigenous Art Centres -134-

Extra Extra

New Exhibitions Projects Initiatives -138-


Exhibitons to watch -28-

Reviews: National exhibition reviews -147-

Artrave -145-