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Literatur in unserem Bestand
Artlink 10 (1, 2) Herbst/Winter 1990, Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art, ISSN 0727-1239
Inhaltsverzeichnis ¦ Klappentext ¦ Besprechung⁄Abstract
Traditions in Evolution
John Mundine: A Memorial for the Dead -3-
Margie West: Banduk Marika: An Artists Project -4-
John Kean: Seven Artists from Papunya -7-
Christopher Hodges: Utopia: from song to batik to canvas, a remarkable journey -9-
Jenny Green: Country in Mind: life after Namatjira -12-
John Kean: Innovation at Ernabella: Pitjantjatjara women pushing the conventions -14-
Sharon Monty: Abie Jangala: despite trucking and resettlement still boss of the water Dreaming -15-
Sharon Monty: Bronson and Norah Nelson: painting is steady work -16-
Sharon Monty: Paddy Fordham Wainburranga, old style painter -17-
David Wroth: Blending traditions at Mt Magnet: Doris Gingingara -18-
Patricia Lowe: The most isolated artist in the world: Jimmy Pike -20-
Christine Lennard: Custodians of the Law at Yuendumu: Warlukurlangu Artists -22-
Dorothea Philips: Jukurrpa: Aboriginal-owned and controlled -23-
Cait Wait: T-shirts and much more at Keringke Arts -24-* Kathy Barnes: Famous designs from growing industry: Tiwi Designs -25-
Margie West: The Law and Women: new custodianships and responsibilities -26-
Diane Moon: Concern for Country and Quality Control at Maningrida -27-
Neva Grzybowicz: Tindale recycled: genealogy project at SA Museum -29-
John Mundine: Art Co-ordinator: no ordinary job -31-
Philip Batty: What is Authentic Aboriginal art? -32-
Steve Anderson: ANCAAA: a communication network -34-
Adrian Marrie: Restoring heritage to Murris: FAIRA -35-
Michael Rae: The Superstar Syndrome and the art coordinator -36-
Legal and Lobby
Lin Onus: Appropriation: a fine line -38-
Martin Hardie: Aboriginal copyright cases -39-
Peter Sutton: What is Comalco up to? Report from Arukun -41-
Tim Rowse: At Last!! The Arts and Crafts Industry Review! And what did it achieve? -42-
Working in Isolation
Neil Turner: How the elders of Ernabella became TV producers and got the better of the Brady Bunch -43-
Burraga Gutya: Writing for survival -48-
Marshall Bell: Artists on stage at last -50-
Kevin Gilbert: The Struggle for justice continues -52-
Performing Arts
Raymond Kelly: How nine little scenes turned into an award-winning play -54-
Alan Dargin: Minority messages through art: Jabiru Cabaret in Cairns -55-
Vivian Walker: A new Aboriginal national theatre -56-
Jim Everett: Tasmanian theatre: alive and kicking -57-
Marion Granich: Broome bursting with music -58-
Andy Kiwat: Darwin hosts the Rock Festival -59-
Wayne Costelloe: Radio Redfern: the Koori Voice -61-
Margaret OShane: Black Radio in Cairns -62-
Anne Rutherford: Has Tracey Moffatt made a horror movie? Night Cries previewed -65-
Visual Arts Projets / Opinions
Michael OFerrall: Rover Thomas and Trevor Nickolls go to Venice -66-
Steve Fox: A letter from Arnhem Land where all the Real Arts supposed to be -68-
Christine Watson: Printmaking: aftermath of a bicentennial -70-
Michael Eather: Fantastic Journey: the Story of Balance 1990 -73-
Louise Dauth: Balance 1990: spot the influence -75-
Theo Tremblay: Mecca for Printmakers -75-
Peter McKenzie: Magiciens de la Terre: "Paris is allright but its not Yuendumu" -77-
Artist Profiles
Michael Eather: Lin Onus -80-
Felicity Wright: Mural at Port Lincoln. Kerry Giles, Melanie Howard -81-
Kurwingie (Kerry Giles) -82-
Vincent Megaw: Peter Dabah -83-
Robert Campbell Jnr. -83-
Leone Stanford: Milton Budge -84-
Noris Ioannou: Bluey Roverts -86-
Anna Eglitis: Tatipai Barsa and Zane Sounders -87-
Megan Griggs: Les Griggs -88-
Margriet Bonnin: Judy Watson -89-
Alta Winmar: Shane Pickett -90-
Libby Morgan: Wanjidari -90-
Ellen José -91-
Natalie Greenwood: Donne Leslie -92-
Anne Kirker: Gordon Bennett -93-
Natalie Greenwood: Maree Clarke -95-
Bronwyn Bancroft: Seminar series at Power Institute -95-
Natalie Greenwood: Gayle Maddigan -96-
Sylvia Kleinert: Narragunawali in Canberra -97-
Sally Morgan talks to Artlink -99-
Design in the Commercial Area
Bronwyn Bancroft: Designer Aboriginals -101-
David Kerr: John & Ros Moriarty of Jumbana -103-
David Wroth: Desert Designs -104-
Kay Hannaford: The first Aboriginal cultural institute, Tandanya, Adelaide -106-
Brenda Croft: Boomalli Artist Cooperative, Sydney -108-
Mabel Edmund: Vocational Arts Centre, Cairns -109-
Charlie Schiavone: Aboriginal community College, Port Adelaide -110-
Geoff Narkle: Dumbartung Aboriginal Corporation, Perth -112-
Ben L. Yengi: Centre for Aboriginal Studies in Music, Adelaide -113-
Joel Smoker: Waringarri Aboriginal Arts, Kununurra -114-
Mary Wright: Birukmarri, Fremantle -115-
Moree Plains Regional Gallery -116-
Bangarra Dance Theatre, Sydney -116-
J. V. S. Megaw: Flinders University of South Australia -117-
Murriimage Community Video & Film, Brisbane -118-
Lesley Fogarty: Aboriginal Arts Unit, Australia Council -118-
Ruth Megaw and Vincent Megaw: Reading list -119-