Literatur in unserem Bestand

Cross, Elisabeth: Southern Reflections. Ten contemporary Australian artists, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 1998, Ausst. Kat., ISBN 0646352512

Inhaltsverzeichnis        ¦         Klappentext        ¦         Besprechung⁄Abstract


Edmund Capon: Foreword -6-

Elizabeth Cross: Southern Reflections -7-

John Wolseley -14-

John Olsen -16-

Rover Thomas -18-

Emily Kame Kngwarreye -20-

Allan Mitelman -22-

Hilarie Mais -24-

Richard Dunn -26-

Mike Parr -28-

Caroline Williams -30-

Lyndell Brown / Charles Green -32-

Barry Pearce: An Introduction to Australian Art -34-

Svensk översättning

Elizabeth Cross: Southern Refelctions -42-

Barry Pearce: En introduktion till Australisk konst -47-

Footnotes -53-

Biographical Notes -54-

List of Works -56-

Acknowledgments -60-