Literatur in unserem Bestand

Flinders University City Gallery (Hg.): Holy Holy Holy, Adelaide 2004, Ausst. Kat.

Inhaltsverzeichnis        ¦         Klappentext        ¦         Besprechung⁄Abstract


Gail Greenwood: Foreword -3-

Vivonne Thwaites: Introduction -4-

Bill Edwards: Aboriginal missions - A brief overview -14-

Marcia Langton: The "word of God" and "works of the devil" -22-

Rob Amery: Early Christian missionaries - preserving or destroying indigenous languages and cultures? -36-

Mary Eagle: Holy holy holy -46-

Varga Hosseini: The art of translating - contemporary representations of Christianity in holy, holy, holy -54-

Contemporary artists' work -68-

Christine Nicholls: Holy, Holy Holy - Interviews with artists -94-

Artists' biographies -98-

Writers' biographies -102-

List of works -104-