Literatur in unserem Bestand

Foley, Fiona (Hg.): The Art of Politics. The Politics of Art. The Place of Indigenous Contemporary Art, Southport 2006, ISBN 0975246046

Inhaltsverzeichnis        ¦         Klappentext        ¦         Besprechung⁄Abstract


Foreword -vi-

Notes on contributors -viii-

Acknowledgments -xi-

Fiona Nicoll: Aboriginal Art - It's White Thing: Framing Whiteness -1-

Aaron Seeto: International Dialogue: Who's Taking to Whom? -6-

Regina Ganter: Myth at the Brink of History -10-

Fiona Foley: A Touch of the Tar Brush -24-

Kelvin Yazzie: There, Here -28-

Michael A. Mel: Il Iamb Nai? Pombral Molga Kundulal? (Who is this Person? Black or White?) -33-

Ole Maiava: Aboriginal Con Temporary Art an Oz-Y-Moron? -37-

Ole Maiava: Passive Insistence -41-

Louise Martin-Chew: Public Art in Society: Success of Failure? -47-

Anna Hyebich: Assimilation and Hybrid Art: Refelctions on the Politics of Aboriginal Art -52-

Djon Mundine: Aboriginal Art - It's a White Thing -57-

Franca Tamisari: Against Domestication: The Art of Encounter -65-

Dillon Kombumerri: Indigenous Architecture Painted Black by White Architects -73-

Fiona Foley: The Big Apple -79-

Djon Mundine: Tribute to A'vange (Mother - Shirley Foley) -80-