Literatur in unserem Bestand

Girard-Geslan, Maud, Luc Chailleu und Marc Faugeras: Painting the Desert. Where the traditional meets contemporary art, Alice Springs 1999, Ausst. Kat.

Inhaltsverzeichnis        ¦         Klappentext        ¦         Besprechung⁄Abstract


Dominique Girard: A word from the Ambassador of France to Australia -1-

Maud Girard-Geslan: Of Tradition and Modernity: Painting the Desert, a Contemporary Act? -2-

Luc Chailleu: Painting Secret Stories: Secular Representations and Uses of Tingari Cycle -7-

The Artists

"Dr George", George Takata Tjapaltjarri -10-

Walala Tjapaltjarri -14-

Dorothy Napangardi Robinson -18-

Polly Napangardi Watson -22-

Gracie Purle Morton -26-

Bibliography -30-