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Literatur in unserem Bestand
Glass, A.: Into Another World. A glimpse of the culture of the Ngaanyatjarra people of central Australia, Institute for Aboriginal Development, 2. Aufl., Alice Springs 1990, ISBN 0949659495
Inhaltsverzeichnis ¦ Klappentext ¦ Buchbesprechung
Introduction -5-
Geographical and historical background -7-
Language -10-
Languages are different -14-
Good manners are different -23-
Relations - the section system -25-
Birth and childhood -30-
Manhood -32-
Marriage -34-
Death -36-
Patterns of life -42-
Their changing world and its problems -46-
Conclusion -49-
Footnotes -50-
Bibliography -51-
What is the polite way to approach a Ngaanyatjarra camp? How many seasons are there in the Ngaanyatjarra year? If a Panaka man marries a Tjarurru woman, will their children be Karimarra or Yiparrka? These questions and a host of others are answered in Amee Glass's 'Into Another World: A glimpse of the culture of the Ngaanyatjarra people of Central Australia'. 'Into Another World' takes you step by step through some important aspects of Ngaanyatjarra culture - language and kinship, good and bad manners, attitudes to birth, childhood, adulthood and death, and the changing world of the Ngaanyatjarra.