Literatur in unserem Bestand

Heide Museum of Modern Art (Hg.): Mythology & Reality. Contemporary Aboriginal Desert Art from the Gabrielle Pizzi Collection, Bulleen 2004, Ausst. Kat., ISBN 094710481X

Inhaltsverzeichnis        ¦         Klappentext        ¦         Besprechung⁄Abstract



Geoffrey Bardon: The Sand Reckoners of Papunya and the Return of the Past -4-

Judith Ryan: Style Horizons and Trajectories of Western Desert Art Reflected in the Gabrielle Pizzi Collection -8-

Gabrielle Pizzi and Zara Stanhope in Conversation -13-

Mythology & Reality. The Plates -17-

Artist Biographies -73-

List of Works -83-

Acknowledgements -86-