Literatur in unserem Bestand

Hinkson, Melinda: Remembering the Future. Warlpiri life through the prism of Drawing, Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra 2014, ISBN 9781922059673

Inhaltsverzeichnis        ¦         Klappentext        ¦         Besprechung⁄Abstract


Dedication -ii-

Preface -vii-

Note on names and orthography -x-

Introduction: Clearing the ground -1-

Interlude I: Regarding Nangala -14-

Chapter 1: Locating the Warlpiri drawings -21-

Interlude II: Olive Pink’s picnic by Olive Pink -44-

Chapter 2: Seeing the Warlpiri -49-

Chapter 3: The superintendent’s window -67-

Interlude III: The road to Hooker Creek by Elizabeth Nungarrayi Ross and Jeannie Nungarrayi Herbert -88-

Chapter 4: Back to Yarripirlangu -93-

Interlude IV: Remembering Mervyn Meggitt (1924-2004) -112-

Chapter 5: Trees at Hooker Creek -117-

Chapter 6: Remembering the future -137-

Warlpiri drawings collected by Mervyn Meggitt, Hooker Creek, 1953-54 -153-

Notes -167-

References -170-

General index -174-

Artists‘ index -177-


In 1953 at the new government settlement of Hooker Creek on the edge of the Tanami Desert, Mervyn Meggitt presented Warlpiri men with crayon and paper and invited them to draw. Meggitt was interested in ritual, yet two men astounded him with drawings made 'for the pleasure of drawing‘. Six decades later these drawings have been introduced to descendants of their makers, triggering memories of a time of profound dislocation and galvanizing attention to contemporary predicaments as well as fears and hopes for the future. "Remembering the Future" tracks a fascinating journey by way of old and new drawings. Discussions with many people, visits to places and archival research build a compelling account of Warlpiri experience between the 1920s and the present. Hinkson’s speculative analysis explores questions that hover over the Hooker Creek drawings. Substantial insights are generated into the role of image making in turbulent contexts of forced migration and in structuring relationships between Aboriginal people and others. "Remembering the Future" breaks new ground in writing abount Central Australian Aboriginal art and makes a significant contribution to Australian anthropology and the interdisciplinary field of visual studies. Meldinda Hinkson is an Australian Research Council Future Fellow in Anthropology at the Australien National University.