Literatur in unserem Bestand

Ian Potter Museum of Art, The University of Melbourne (Hg): Blood on the Spinifex, Melbourne 2002, Ausst. Kat., ISBN 0734029187

Inhaltsverzeichnis        ¦         Klappentext        ¦         Besprechung⁄Abstract


Tony Oliver: Blood on the spinifex -6-

Marcia Langton: Hungry ghosts: landscape and memory -12-

Artists' accounts. Recorded, transcribed and translated by Frances Kofod:

Frances Kofod: Introduction -16-

Timmy Timms (Gamarliny, Belmendarri), Bedford Downs massacre 2000 -18-

Paddy Bedford (Guwumji, Nyunkuny), Emu dreaming and Bedford Downs massacre 2001 -22-

Paddy Bedford (Guwumji, Nyunkuny), Two women looking at the Bedford Downs massacre burning place 2002 -24-

Rameeka Nocketa, Desma Sampi, Phyllis Thomas (Booljoonngali), Freddie Timms (Ngarrmaliny), Tickets 2002 -26-

Timmy Timms (Gamarliny, Balmendarri), Mistake Creek Massacre 2000 -30-

Peggy Patrick (Dirrmingali), Mistake Creek 2002 -36-

Freddie Timms (Ngarrmaliny), Blackfella Creek 2002 -40-

Goody Barrett (Lilwayi), Hiding place and man calling for his dogs 2002 -46-

Lena Nyadbi (Nyadbi), Hideout 2002 -50-

Phyllis Thomas (Booljoonngali), The escape 2000 -52-

Rusty Peters (Dirrji), Chinaman's Garden massacre 2000 -54-

Rusty Peters (Dirrji), Blackfella murdered in Australia 2002 -58-

List of works in the exhibition -60-