Einsicht in den Literaturbestand
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Eine Liste weiterer Literatur über australischer Kunst (die sich noch nicht im Bestand aboriginal-art.de befindet) wird ständig aktualisiert.
Literatur in unserem Bestand
Queensland Art Gallery (Hg.): Story Place - Indigenous Art of Cape York and the Rainforest, Brisbane 2003, Ausst. Kat., ISBN 1876509678
Inhaltsverzeichnis ¦ Klappentext ¦ Buchbesprechung
Thancoupie: Preface -8-
Wayne Goss and Doug Hall: Introduction -10-
David Burnett: Art of the Cape. An introduction -18-
Barry Hunter: The land and Indigenous peoples -26-
Lindy Allen: Regular hunting grounds. A history of collecting Indigenous artefacts in north Queensland -30-
Djon Mundine: Aw - Story Place. The people of west Cape York -44-
Peter Sutton: Sacred images and political engagements. A brief history of Wik sculpture -54-
Peter Denham: 'Not to give away, not to die away'. An interview with Arthur Koo-ekka Pambegan Jr -62-
Craig Koomeeta -68-
Thancoupie -72-
Jack Bell -76-
Lisa Michl -77-
Garry Namponan -78-
Joe Ngallametta -79-
Jubilee Wolmby -80-
Ron Yunkaporta -81-
Aurukun -83-
Kowanyama -84-
Napranum -85-
Peter Denham: Speak for country -92-
Lynne Seear: Joe Rootsey. 'The second Namatjira' -104-
David Burnett: Kakan. An interview with Wilma Walker -112-
Samantha Hobson -116-
Rosella Namok -120-
Dorothy Short -124-
Patrick Butcher -128-
Tulo Gordon -129-
John Cummins -130-
Luke Cummins -131-
Silas Hobson -132-
Walter Jack -133-
Adrian King -134-
Roy McIvor -135-
Arone Raymond Meeks -136-
Fiona Omeenyo -138-
Terry Platt -139-
Hopevale -140-
Laura -141-
Lockart River -142-
Mossman Gorge -143-
Trish Johnson: Shared stories and places -150-
Julie Ewington: Working in the river -158-
Trish Johnson: Jawun. An interview with Desley Henry -166-
Michael Boiyool Anning -170-
Vernon Ah Kee -174-
Paul Bong (Bindur-Bullin) -176-
Cornelius Richards -177-
Ruby Ludwick -178-
Philomena Yeatman -179-
Danie Mellor -180-
Munganbana (Norman Miller) -181-
Jumbun community, Murray Upper -182-
Ravenshoe -184-
Yarrabah -185-
Sally Butler: Cape York's time in motion -192-
Avril Quaill: Keeping and sharing. The Tropical North Queensland Insitute of TAFE -200-
Peter Denham and Trish Johnson: All things work together. An experience of working with the Cape communities -204-
Krystle Sutherland and Tony Albert: Stories from Indigenous interns -210-
Endnotes -214-
Selected bibliography -220-
List of works -224-
Contributors -233-
Acknowledgments -234-
Cape York map -237-
Sponsor acknowledgment -238-