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Literatur in unserem Bestand
Rubuntja, Wenten und Jenny Green: The town grew up dancing. The life and art of Wenten Rubuntja, Alice Springs 2002, ISBN 1864650427
Inhaltsverzeichnis ¦ Klappentext ¦ Besprechung⁄Abstract
Preface -vii-
Acknowledgments -x-
Introduction -1-
The settlers arrive in Arrernte country -7-
I was born at Burt Well -13-
Coniston -29-
Growing up in Alice Springs -35-
Too many priests -55-
Army time -65-
How I used my young life -73-
Amoonguna settlement -95-
Working for country -107-
Town camps and education -129-
Caring for town -141-
Living under two laws -159-
Notes -177-
Bibliography -185-
Historical outline -188-
Notes on skin names -191-
Index -192-
Approximate location of Arandic languages and various neighbouring languages in Central Australia -vi-
Area to the north and north-west of Alice Springs, including Urepentye (Mount Hay) -14-
Location of town camps and selected important sites in the Alice Springs town area -38-
Area surrounding Arltunga and Winnecke goldfields -44-
Approximate location of relevant northern territory pastoral leases -80-
'The Town Grew Up Dancing' is Wenten Rubuntja's story. It provides a rare view of events that shaped the life of an Arrernte man who has made a major contribution to the art and politics of his time. Wenten was a key figure in the land rights movement in Central Australia in the mid-1970s and has since played a lively and formative role as an Aboriginal statesman in his home town of Alice Springs. He is highly respected for the depth and breadth of his traditional knowledge and for his unique skills as a negotiator. This book reveals the humour and wisdom of an Aboriginal man skilled at engaging in both the traditional and the contemporary worlds. The story is told in Wenten's own words - in his first language, Arrernte, with accompanying translations, and in Aboriginal English. The book also includes the voices of many who have been close to Wenten, including members of his own family, and others who have worked with him over the years. Additional commentary is provided by linguist and artist Jenny Green and historian Tim Rowse. Encouraged to paint as a young man by Albert Namatjira, Wenten is well known for both his watercolours and his acrylic of 'dot' style paintings. He draws upon his Arrernte heritage and the stories of his country for inspiration in both ways of painting. The paintings featured in this book reveal the versatility of Wenten's artistic style, from subtly rendered landscapes to bolder works painted in acrylic. Wenten's artwork has been presented to Pope John Paul II, Queen Elizabeth II, and to several of Australia's prime ministers, and is held in private and public collections throughout Australia. This fascinating and innovative book weaves together autobiography and biography in a powerful story of recent Indigenous history in Australia. The book features Wenten's own commentary on his paintings, and photographs in colour and black and white bring his story and Alice Springs' colourful past vividly to life.