Einsicht in den Literaturbestand
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Eine Liste weiterer Literatur über australischer Kunst (die sich noch nicht im Bestand aboriginal-art.de befindet) wird ständig aktualisiert.
Literatur in unserem Bestand
Art and Australia 35 (1) 1997, Olympic Arts Festival Special Issue. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art
Inhaltsverzeichnis ¦ Klappentext ¦ Besprechung⁄Abstract
Jennifer Spinks: Out of the Dark. Hobart report -44-
Craig Judo: The Painters Progress. The William Dobell exhibition -46-
David Hansen: The National Cofectioner. Tom Roberts: The exhibition and Humphrey McQueens book -48-
Joan Kerr: Divining the Spiritual. The Spirit+Place exhibition at the MCA -51-
Margaret Tuckson: The Land is My Foundation. Djalkiri Wanga: Barks and works on paper from the Berndt Collection -54-
Chris Anderson: Dreamings of the Desert. An Exhibition of Aboriginal paintings from the Central Desert -56-
Judy Cassab: Artists Choice. Rapotecs Easter Sunday at Notre Dame -58-
Tributes: Lin Onus; Elwyn Lynn -122-
Terry Ingrim: Art Market -126-
Exhibition Commentary: Recent acquisitions from State galleries -128-
Art Directory
Current gallery and exhibiton details -142-
Review: Andrew McNamara on Unpainting -156-
Hetti Perkins and Hannah Fink: Editorial -60-
Galarrwuy Yunupingu: Indigenous Art in the Olympic Age -64-
Djon Mundine: Aboriginal Art Abroad. Responses to touring exhibitions in Europe, the United States and Asia -68-
Judith Ryan: Meaning and Abstraction. The essence in Aboriginal art -74-
Nigel Lendon and Wally Caruana: The Wagilag Sisters. Six decades of bark paintings -82-
Susan Congreve: Painting Up Big. Large-canvas collaborative paintings from Yuendumu -88-
Louise Nowra: Blackness. The art of Rover Thomas -94-
Marcia Langton: The Valley of the Dolls. Black humour in the art of Destiny Deacon -100-
Julie Gough: Tasmania. Contemporary Aboriginal art in Tasmania today -108-
Susan Cochrane: An Outsiders View. Torres Strait Islander Art -116-