Einsicht in den Literaturbestand
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Eine Liste weiterer Literatur über australischer Kunst (die sich noch nicht im Bestand aboriginal-art.de befindet) wird ständig aktualisiert.
Literatur in unserem Bestand
Gilbert, Kevin: Inside Black Australia. An Anthology of Aboriginal Poetry, Penguin Books, Ringwood 1988, ISBN 0140111263
Inhaltsverzeichnis ¦ Klappentext ¦ Buchbesprechung
Kevin Gilbert: Introduction -xv-
W. Les Russell -1-
Lajamanu Poets -8-
Pansy Rose Napaljarri -9-
Rhonda Samuel Napurrurla -13-
Irene James Napurrurla -15-
Valerie Patterson Napanangka -17-
Julie Watson Nungarrayi -19-
Jennie Hargraves Nampijinpa -21-
Eva Johnson -23-
Mary Duroux -27-
Ernie Dingo -29-
Bobbi Sykes -31-
Mudrooroo Narogin (Colin Johnson) -40-
Maureen Watson -47-
Jack Davis -53-
Hyllus Maris -59-
Daisy Utemorrah -61-
Vicki Davey -63-
Archie Weller -64-
Charmaine Papertalk-Green -73-
Laury Wells -78-
Rex Marshall -84-
Pam Tjanara-Williams -87-
Frank Doolan -90-
Oodgeroo Noonuccal (Kath Walker) -94-
Jim Everett, Mawbana Pleregannana -102-
Iris Clayton -107-
Debby Barben -112-
Dyan Newson -116-
Stephen Clayton -119-
Robert Walker -124-
Grandfather Koori -134-
Graham Brady -138-
Luke Roma -141-
Steve Barney -142-
Joy Williams -144-
Gerry Bostock -149-
Selwyn Hughes -153-
Lionel Fogarty -156-
Errol West -165-
Jim Carlson -176-
Beryl Philp-Carmichael, Yungha-Dhu -178-
Elizabeth Brown -182-
Kevin Gilbert -185
Index of first lines -203-
Author index -209-
Acknowledgements -210-
From the campfires and reserves of the desert, from riverbanks and prison cells, from universities and urban ghettoes come the inside voices of Australia. These are tough poems that resist the silence of genocide and the destruction of culture. The collection is an angry call for justice and the restoration of the land and the Dreaming. The Aboriginal lives glimpsed give white Australians a hint of the deep possibilities of belonging in this land. Forty voices are heard in this first anthology of Aboriginal poetry.