Einsicht in den Literaturbestand
Kunststudierende und Kunstinteressierte können die nebenstehende Literatur bei uns nach Vereinbarung eines Termins einsehen.
Empfehlenswert ist auch die Suche der Literatur im KVK (Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog), in dem Sie alle deutsche und viele internationale wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken durchsuchen und die Publikation ggf. bestellen können.
Eine Liste weiterer Literatur über australischer Kunst (die sich noch nicht im Bestand aboriginal-art.de befindet) wird ständig aktualisiert.
Literatur in unserem Bestand
Perkins, Charles: A Bastard Like Me, Ure Smith Sydney, Dee Why West 1975, ISBN 0725402504
Inhaltsverzeichnis ¦ Klappentext ¦ Buchbesprechung
... suntanned superstar ... nothing but a troublemaker ... does more harm than good to his cause ... has a chip on his shoulder ... radical ... stirrer ... only a halfcaste anyway ... what does he know about the real Aborigines? ... isnt even grateful for whats done for him ... STIRRER! ... OR ... opponent of racial prejudices ... first Aboriginal to graduate from university ... top soccer player ... one of the best known but least understood public figures in Australia today ... Just about everyone in Australia knows who Charles Perkins is. And just about everyone has an attitude to him. Many are influenced by necessarily brief glimpses of his life, his opinions, his stance on particular issues. But whether you're sympathetic to him and his cause or not, he remains a significant and controversial figure, more complex than is generally recognized. His story is complex too: urgent and compelling, warm and humorous, angry and bitter, thoughtful and serious. It's worth reading before you make a final judgement about the man. It's worth reading for a real understanding of the problems of the Aboriginal people - the first Australians.