To find further literature, Europeans should consider using KVK (Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog), which catalogues most German and international scientific library resources.
Further Literature
(not yet in our collection)
Aboriginal Art Galleries of Australia (ed.): Tjinytjilpa. The Dotted Design, Melbourne 1998, exh. cat. |
Aboriginal Arts Management Ass. (ed.): Tagari Lia: My Family - Contemporary Aboriginal Arts from Australia, Redfern 1990, exh. cat., ISBN 187257070 |
Aboriginal Gallery of Dreamings (ed.): Modern Art - Ancient Icon: a gallery of dreamings from aboriginal Australia, Melboourne 1992, ISBN 0646080520 |
A Girl's Own Gallery (ed.): Nancy Gaymala Yunupingu. I'm Gumatj Lady, Yirrkala Literature Production Centre, Yirrkala 1992, exh. cat. |
Alcaston Gallery (ed.): Eubena Nampitjin, Melbourne 2002, exh. cat. |
Allen, Louis A.: Time Before Morning. Art and Myth of the Australian Aborigines, Thomas Crowell, New York 1975, ISBN 0690009992 |
Altman, J.C.: Hunter-Gatherers Today. An Aboriginal Economy in North Australia, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra, ISBN 0855751762 |
Amadio, N.: Oz in the global art village, in: Oz Arts 4, 1992, S. 70-71 |
Anderson, S. and T. Smith (ed.): "Getting into Prints""Prints. A Symposium on Aboriginal Printmaking, Association of Northern and Central Australian Aboriginal Artists, Darwin 1993 |
Andreeva, Y.: "Russian Reflections on Australian Aboriginal Art". In: Art Monthly Australia 50, 1992, S. 3-4 |
Andrew, B.: "Narratives". In: Periphery 20, 1994, S. 22-25 |
Araluen Arts Centre (Hg): Nganampa Jukurrpa (Our Dreaming). An exhibition by the Women of Jukurrpa, Alice Springs 1990, exh. cat. |
Art Gallery of New South Wales (ed.): Aboriginal Women's Exhibition, Sydney 1991, exh. cat., ISBN 0730591174 |
Art Gallery of New South Wales (ed.): Contemporary Aboriginal Art. The Millie Gowing Acquisition Fund, Sydney 2006, ISBN 9781741740035 |
Art Gallery of New South Wales (ed.): Yirabana, Sydney 1996, exh. cat. |
Art Gallery of South Australia (ed.): Recent Aboriginal Paintings. Incorporating the Maude Vizard-Wholohan Art Prize Purchase Awards, Adelaide 1998, exh. cat. |
Aspex (ed.): Australia art & Aboriginality, Portsmouth 1987, exh. cat. |
Australian Centre for Photography, Sydney, and The Asialink Centre, University of Melbourne (ed.): Photographica Australis, Melbourne 2003, ISBN 0909339163 |
Australian Heritage Commission (ed.): The Fourth National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Heritage Art Award, Canberra 1998, exh. cat. |
Australian Heritage Commission (ed.): The Second National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Heritage Art Award, Canberra 1994, exh. cat. |
Australian Heritage Commission (ed.): The Third National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Heritage Art Award. The Art of Place, Canberra 1996, exh. cat. |
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (ed.): Through Women's Eyes, Canberra 1991, exh. cat. |
Auty, Giles: "Top End of Art". In: The Australian, August 1997 |
Bagnall, Diana: "Shadows of Light". In: The Bulletin, September 1997 |
Batty, P. and N. Sheridan: Utopia Artist in Residence Project, Robert Holmes à Court Collection, Perth 1990 |
Berndt, Ronald M. and Catherine H. Berndt: The World of the First Australians. Aboriginal Traditional Life: Past and Present, Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra 1999 (1. Aufl. 1964), ISBN 0855751843 |
Birnberg, Margo et al. (ed.): Aboriginal Artists. Dictionary of Biographies: Central Desert, Western Desert and Kimberley Region, JB Publishing Australia, Marleston 2004, ISBN 1876622474 |
Blagg, Janet (ed.): Luminous World, Fremantle Press, Fremantle 2012, exh. cat., ISBN 9781922089090 |
Boomalli Aboriginal Artists Co-operative (ed.): Being Aboriginal - ecologically sustainable development, Sydney 2000, exh. brochure |
Boulter, Michael and Christopher Hodges: Australia's First International Art Movement, Utopia Art Sydney 1990, ISBN 0731699068 |
Brody, Anne: Kunwinjku Bim - Western Arnhem Land Paintings from the Collection of the Aboriginal Arts Board, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne 1984, ISBN 0724101047 |
Brody, Anne (ed.): Utopia Women's Paintings - The First Works on Canvas. A Summer Project 1988-89. The Robert Holmes à Court Collection, Perth 1989, exh. cat. |
Buku-Larrngay Mulka Centre et al. (ed.): Saltwater. Yirrkala Bark Paintings of Sea Country. Recognising Indigenous Sea Rights, Isaacs Publishing, 2000, exh. cat., ISBN 0646377027 |
Butler, R.: "From dreamtime to machine time". In: Imprint 21 (3-4) 1986, S. 11 |
Butler, Rex: "'Lines'. Leading out of Sight?". In: Australian Art Collector 13, 2000, S.86-87 |
Butler, Rex (ed.): What is Appropriate? An anthology of critical writings on Australian art in the '80s and '90s, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, and Power Institute of Fine Arts, Sydney, 1996, ISBN 1875792120 |
Butler, Sally: "Arnhem Land Barks - Shape of Things to Come". In: Australian Art Collector 14, 2000, S. 102-105 |
Butler, Sally: "Michael Nelson Tjakamarra - Unmasked". In: Australian Art Collector 13, 2000, S. 88-90 |
Butler, Sally (ed.): Before Time Today - Reinventing Tradition in Aurukun Aboriginal Art, 2010, ISBN 978070223581 |
Carlos, Isabel: Biennale of Sydney 2004: On Reason and Emotion, The Biennale of Sydney Ltd., Sydney 2004, ISBN 0957802307 |
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