Literature in our Collection


Macquarie University Art Gallery (ed.): Celebrating Aboriginal rights, Sydney 2007, exh. cat., ISBN 9781741382600
Table of Contents    

Maddock, Kenneth: The Australian Aborigines. A Portrait of their Society, Ringwood 1975
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Manly Art Gallery and Museum (ed.): Luminous - Contemporary Art from the Australian Desert, Sydney 2005, exh. cat., ISBN 0975742922
Table of Contents    

Martin-Chew, Louise: Fiona Foley. Provocateur. An Art Life. QUT Art Museum, Brisbane 2021, ISBN 9780868560038
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Massola, Catherine Anna: Living the heritage, not curating the past: A study of lirrgarn, agency & art in the Warmun Community, PhD Thesis, The Australian National University, 2016
Table of Contents     Review⁄Abstract

Mattingley, Christobel: Maralinga. The Anangu Story, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest (2009) 2012, ISBN 9781742378428
Table of Contents    

Mattingley, Christobel (ed.): Survival in Our Own Land. 'Aboriginal' Experiences in 'South Australia' since 1836, Australian Scholarly Publishing, Adelaide 1988, ISBN 0340578513
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Mazzoleni Arte (ed.): Dirrmu. Dipinti aborigeni per una collezione Francesco Porzio, Skira, Milano 2006, exh. cat., ISBN 9788876248234
Table of Contents    

McCarthy, F.D.: Australian Aboriginal Decorative Art, Sydney 1974
Table of Contents    

McCarthy, Frederick D: Australian Aboriginal Rock Art, Australian Museum, Sydney 1958
Table of Contents    

McCulloch Childs, Emily and Ross Gibson: New Beginnings: Classic Paintings from the Corrigan Collection of 21st Century Aboriginal Art, McCulloch & Mc Culloch, Fitzroy 2008, ISBN 9780980449440
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

McCulloch, Susan: Contemporary Aboriginal Art. A guide to the rebirth of an ancient culture, Allen and Unwin, St Leonards NSW 1999, ISBN 1864486317
Table of Contents     Cover Text     Review⁄Abstract

McDonald, Heather: Blood, Bones and Spirit. Aboriginal Christianity in an East Kimberley Town, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne 2001, ISBN 0522849814
Table of Contents    

McGregor, Ken: Artists of the Western Desert 2006-2011, MacMillan, Melbourne 2011, ISBN 9781921394645
Table of Contents     Review⁄Abstract

McGregor, Ken and Ralph Hobbs: The Art of Nyurapayia Nampitjinpa (Mrs Bennett), Macmillan, Melbourne 2014, ISBN 9781921394362
Table of Contents    

McGregor, Ken and Marie Geissler: Yannima Pikarli Tommy Watson. Ngayuku Ngura - My Country, Macmillan, Melbourne 2010, ISBN 9781921394430
Table of Contents    

McGuigan, Chris (ed.): New Tracks - Old Land. Contemporary Prints from Aboriginal Australia, Aboriginal Arts Management Association, Surry Hills 2010, exh. cat., ISBN 0646123246
Table of Contents    

McLean, Ian: Rattling Spears. A History of Indigenous Australian Art, Reaktion Books, London 2016, ISBN 9781780235905
Table of Contents    

McLean, Ian: White Aborigines. Identity Politics in Australian Art, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (UK) 1998, ISBN 0521584167
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

McLean, Ian (ed.): How Aborigines invented the idea of contemporary art, Institute of Modern Art and Power Publications, Bisbane, Sydney 2011, ISBN 9780909952372
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

McLean, Ian and Gordon Bennett: The Art of Gordon Bennett, Craftsmans House, Roseville NSW 1996, ISBN 905703221X
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

McLean, Ian and Margo Neale (ed.): Eaux Vivantes - Living Waters. Un projet de la Collection Sordello Missana - A project of the Sordello Missana Collection, The Bridge Australia, Doubleview 2016, exh. cat., ISBN 9780646957777
Table of Contents    

Medcroft, Rosalie and Valda Gee: The Sausage Tree, University of Queensland Press, St Lucia 1995, ISBN 0702227838
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Meeuwsen, Franca: Aboriginal Kunst, de verhalen vertellen, Zwolle 2000, ISBN 9040095078
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Megaw, J.V.S., Janet Maughan and Jenny Zimmer (ed.): Dot & Circle, A Retrospective Survey of the Aboriginal Acrylic Paintings of Central Australia, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne 1986, exh. cat.
Table of Contents    

Mellor, Doreen and Vincent Megaw (ed.): Twenty-Five Years and Beyond. Papunya Tula Painting, Flinders Art Museum, Adelaide 1999, exh. cat., ISBN 0725806559
Table of Contents    

Mendham, Dawn and Margie West (ed.): Contemporary Territory, Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin 1994, exh. cat., ISBN 0724528709
Table of Contents    

Michael, Linda (ed.): Fiona Hall. Wrong Way Time, Piper Press, Dawes Point and Australian Council for the Arts Surry Hills 2015, exh. cat., ISBN 9780980834734
Table of Contents    

Michaels, Eric: Bad Aboriginal Art. Tradition, Media, and Technolgical Horizons, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 1994, ISBN 0816623414
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Milpurrurru, George et. al.: The art of George Milpurrurru. National Gallery of Australia, Canberra 1993, exh. cat., ISBN 0642130833
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Mittmann, Jan Dirk (ed.): Black Mist, Burnt Country: Testing the Bomb, Maralinga and Australian Art, 2016, exh. cat., ISBN 9780992335724
Table of Contents    

Moet & Chandon Australian Art Foundation (ed.): Touring Exhibition, 1995, exh. cat., ISBN 0958859981
Table of Contents    

Moët & Chandon (Hrsg.): Judy Watson. Groupe Technologies & Impression, Reims 1996, exh. cat.
Table of Contents    

Monash Gallery of Art: New view: Indigenous Photographic Perspectives from the Monash Gallery of Art Permanent Collection, Melbourne 2003, exh. brochure, ISBN 1876764961
Table of Contents    

Monash University Museum of Art (ed.): Brook Andrew. Eye to Eye, Melbourne 2007, exh. cat., ISBN 0977578232
Table of Contents    

Monash University Museum of Art (ed.): Richard Bell. Lessons on Etiquette and Manners, Monash University Museum of Art, Caulfield East 2013, exh. cat., ISBN 9780987295248
Table of Contents    

Moore, Archie, Ellie Buttrose, Grace Lucas-Pennington: archie moore - kith and kin, Venedig 2024, exh. cat., ISBN 9783959058469
Table of Contents    

Moores, Irene: Where is Wungawurrah?, Butterfly Books, Springwood 1992, ISBN 0947333479
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Morgan, Sally: The Art of Sally Morgan, Viking, Ringwood 1996, ISBN 067090354X
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Morgan, Sally: Wanamurraganya. Die Geschichte von Jack McPhee, Unionsverlag, Zürich 1997, ISBN 3293200915
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Morphy, Howard: Aboriginal Art, Phaidon Press, London 1998, ISBN 0714837520
Table of Contents    

Morphy, Howard: Becoming Art: Exploring Cross-Cultural Categories, University of New South Wales Press, Sydney 2008, ISBN 9781921410123
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Morphy, Howard, Georges Petitjean and Arnaud Serval: Wamulu, 5 Continents Edition, Milan 2022, ISBN 9788874399970
Table of Contents    

Morphy, Howard and Margo Smith Boles (ed.): Art from the Land. Dialogues with the Kluge-Ruhe Collection of Australian Aboriginal Art, University of Virginia 1999, Charlottesville VA, ISBN 0957713509
Table of Contents     Review⁄Abstract

Mossenson Galleries (ed.): Utopia, Subiaco 2010, exh. cat., ISBN 9780980400915

Mountford, C.P.: Aboriginal Paintings from Australia, UNESCO, Milano 1964
Cover Text    

Mountford, Charles P.: Before time began: legends of the dreamtime, Thomas Nelson Ltd., Melbourne 1976, ISBN 017005070X

Mountford, Charles P.: The Arts in Austalia - Aboriginal Art, Longmans, Melbourne 1961

Mowaljarlai, David and Jutta Malnic: Yorro Yorro everything standing up alive. Rock Paintings and Stories from the Australian Kimberley, 2nd ed., Magabala Books, Broome 2001, ISBN 1875641726
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Moyle, Richard M.: Alyawarra Music. Songs and society in a central Australian community, Canberra 1986, ISBN 0855751401
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Mudrooroo: Die Welt der Aborigines. Das Lexikon zur Mythologie der australischen Ureinwohner, Goldmann, München 1996, ISBN 3442126622

Mudrooroo, Nyoongah: Aboriginal Mythology. An A-Z spanning the history of aboriginal mythology from the earliest legends to the present day, Harper Collins, London 1994, ISBN 1855383063
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Mundine, Djon: "Spot the Primitive". In: Art Monthly Australia, Aboriginal Art in the Public Eye, Supplement, 56, 1992/1993, S. 5-6

Mundine, Djon: The Native Born. Objects and representations from Ramingining, Arnhem Land, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney 1996, ISBN 1875632441
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Musée d'Aquitaine (ed.): Mémoires Vives. Une Histoire de l'Art Aborigène, Éditions de la Martinière, Bordeaux 2013, exh. cat., ISBN 9782732462486
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Musée d'Art moderne et d'Art contemporaine (ed.): Peinture Aborigène Contemporaine des désert du Centre et de l'Ouest australiens, Editions Nice Musees, Nice 2007, exh. cat., ISBN 9782913548903
Table of Contents    

Musée Olympique (ed.): Art Aborigène, Jouvence millénaire, Aboriginal Art, An Immemorial Fountain of Youth, Lausanne 2001, exh. cat., ISBN 9291600423
Table of Contents    

Musée Olympique (ed.): Le Mémorial. Un Chef-d'oeuvre d'art aborigène. The Memorial. A Masterpiece of Aboriginal art, Lausanne 1999, ISBN 9291600385
Table of Contents    

Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (ed.): 30th National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award - Telstra, Darwin 2013, exh. brochure

Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (ed.): Fifteenth National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award, Telstra, Darwin 1998, exh. cat., ISBN 072454609X
Table of Contents    

Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (ed.): Fourteenth National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award, D&D Printing 1997, exh. cat., ISBN 0724544461
Table of Contents    

Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (ed.): National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Awards, Telstra, Darwin 2020, exh. cat., ISBN 9780648654230

Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (ed.): National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Awards, Telstra, Darwin 2021, exh. cat., ISBN 9780648654254

Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (ed.): Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award: Celebrating 20 Years, Darwin 2004, exh. cat., ISBN 0646432877
Table of Contents    

Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (ed.): Telstra National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award 1984-2008: celebrating 25 years, Charles Darwin University Press 2011, ISBN 9780980665086
Table of Contents    

Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (ed.): The Eighteenth National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award, Telstra, Darwin 2001, exh. cat., ISBN 072454464X

Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (ed.): Transitions. 17 Years of the National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award, Darwin 2000, exh. cat., ISBN 0724546146
Table of Contents    

Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (ed.): Twelfth National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Award, Darwin 1996, exh. cat., ISBN 0724529454
Table of Contents    

Museum für Völkerkunde (ed.): Die Kultur der Traumzeit. Tradition and Gegenwart der Aborigines Australiens, Freiburg i. Br., o.J, ISBN 3793005852
Table of Contents    

Museum für Völkerkunde (ed.): Fremde. Die Herausforderung des Anderen, Frankfurt a.M. 1995, exh. cat., ISBN 3-88270-392-X
Table of Contents    

Museum für Völkerkunde and Frobenius Institut an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität (ed.): Ferne Völker - Frühe Zeiten, Frankfurt a.M. 1957
Table of Contents    

Museum of Contemporary Art (ed.): blakatak. Program of Thought, Event 1-4, Sydney 2005
Table of Contents    

Museum of Contemporary Art (ed.): Dancing up Country. The art of Dorothy Napangardi, Sydney 2002, exh. cat., ISBN 1875632824
Table of Contents    

Museum of Contemporary Art (ed.): Destiny Deacon. Walk + don't look blak, Sydney 2004, exh. cat., ISBN 1875632972
Table of Contents    

Museum of Contemporary Art (ed.): Paddy Bedford, Sydney 2006, exh. cat., ISBN 1921034165
Table of Contents    

Museum of Contemporary Art (ed.): Ricky Maynard. Portrait of a Distant Land, Sydney 2007, exh. cat., ISBN 9781921034244
Table of Contents    

Museum of Contemporary Art (ed.): They are Meditating. Bark Paintings from the MCA's Arnott's Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney 2008, exh. cat., ISBN 9781921034237
Table of Contents    

Museum of Contemporary Art (ed.): Tyerabarrbowaryaou. I shall never become a white man, Sydney 1992, exh. cat., ISBN 1875632069
Table of Contents    

Museum of Contemporary Art and The University of Queensland Art Museum (ed.): Fiona Foley: Forbidden, Sydney, Brisbane 2009, exh. cat., ISBN 9781921034350
Table of Contents    

Museum Tinguely (ed.): "rarrk". John Mawurndjul. Zeitreise in Nordaustralien, Basel 2005, exh. cat., ISBN 3796521878
Table of Contents    

Musharbash, Yasmine: Yuendumu Everyday. Contemporary life in remote Aboriginal Australia, Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra 2008, ISBN 9780855756611
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Myers, Fred R.: Painting Culture. The Making of an Aboriginal High Art, Duke University Press, Durham, London 2002, ISBN 0822329492
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Myers, Fred and Henry Skerritt (ed.): Irrititja Kuwarri Tjungu. Past & Present Together. Fifty Years of Papunya Tula Artists, University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville and London 2021, Ausst Kat., ISBN 9781735326924
Table of Contents    

National Gallery of Australia (ed.): Culture Warriors. Australian Indigenous Art Triennial, 2nd ed., Canberra 2009, exh. cat., ISBN 9780642542052
Table of Contents    

National Gallery of Australia (ed.): Indigenous Australia. Masterworks from the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra 2017, ISBN 9780642334718
Table of Contents    

National Gallery of Australia (ed.): Islands in the Sun. Prints by indigenous artists of Australia and the Australasian region, Canberra 2001, exh. cat., ISBN 0642541418
Table of Contents    

National Gallery of Australia (ed.): Landscapes in Sets and Series. Australian prints 1960s-1990s, Canberra 1999, exh. brochure

National Gallery of Australia (ed.): Michael Riley - Sights Unseen, Canberra 2006, exh. cat., ISBN 0642541620
Table of Contents    

National Gallery of Australia (ed.): No ordinary place: the art of David Malangi, Canberra 2004, exh. cat., ISBN 0642541795
Table of Contents    

National Gallery of Australia (ed.): Re-Take - Contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Photography, 1999, exh. brochure

National Gallery of Australia (ed.): Roads Cross. The Paintings of Rover Thomas, Craftsman Press, Canberra 1994, exh. cat., ISBN 0642130213
Table of Contents    

National Gallery of Australia (ed.): Tactility. Two Centuries of Indigenous Objects, Textiles and Fibre, Canberra 2003, exh. cat., ISBN 0642542082
Table of Contents    

National Gallery of Australia (ed.): The Eye of the Storm. Eight Contemporary Indigenous Australian Artists, Canberra 1997, exh. cat., ISBN 0642130620

National Gallery of Australia (ed.): World of Dreamings. Traditional and modern art of Australia, Canberra 2000, exh. cat.
Table of Contents    

National Gallery of Victoria (ed.): Across the Desert: Aboriginal Batik from Central Australia. National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne 2008, exh. cat., ISBN 9780724102990
Table of Contents    

National Gallery of Victoria (ed.): Flagship - Australian Art in the National Gallery of Victoria, 1790-2000, Melbourne o.J., ISBN 0724102159
Table of Contents    

National Gallery of Victoria (ed.): Gordon Bennett, Melbourne 2007, exh. cat., ISBN 9780724102907
Table of Contents    

National Gallery of Victoria (ed.): Indigenous Australian Art in the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne 2002, ISBN 0724102124
Table of Contents    

National Gallery of Victoria (ed.): LandMarks, Melbourne 2006, exh. cat., ISBN 0724102671
Table of Contents    

National Gallery of Victoria (ed.): Remembering Barak, Melbourne 2003, exh. cat., ISBN 0724102221
Table of Contents    

National Museum of Australia (ed.): Yiwarra Kuju: the Canning Stock Route, Canberra 2010, ISBN 9781876944780
Table of Contents     Cover Text     Review⁄Abstract

National Museum of Women in the Arts (ed.): Dreaming Their Way. Australian Aboriginal Women Painters, New York 2006, exh. cat., ISBN 185759442B
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Nazvanov, Greg: The Australian Aboriginal Art Investment Handbook, & Lulu, Raleigh 2010, ISBN 9781445776071
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

NBK, Berlin and Edition Braus, Heidelberg (ed.): Zeitgenössische Fotokunst aus Australien, Wachter Verlag, Heidelberg 2000, ISBN 3926318848
Table of Contents    

Neale, Margo (ed.): Emily Kame Kngwarreye. Alhalkere. Paintings from Utopia, Macmillan, Melbourne 1998, Iaust. Kat., SBN 0646349299
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Neale, Margo (ed.): Songlines. Tracking the Seven Sisters, National Museum of Australia Press, Canberra 2017, exh. cat., ISBN 9781921953293
Table of Contents    

Neale, Margo (ed.): Urban Dingo - The Art and Life of Lin Onus 1948-1996, Queensland Art Gallery, Craftsman House, Brisbane 2000, exh. cat., ISBN 1876509848
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Neale, Margo (ed.): Utopia - the Genius of Emily Kame Kngwarreye, National Museum of Australia Press, Canberra 2008, exh. cat., ISBN 9781876944667
Table of Contents    

Neumann, Debora: Kunst als Schaffung von Identität: die Wurzeln zeitgenössischer Malerei der Aborigines Zentral- and Westaustraliens, Lizentiatsarbeit am Ethnologischen Seminar der Universität Basel, 2002
Table of Contents    

Nganampa Health Council (ed.): Anangu Way, Alice Springs 1998, ISBN 0646041541
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Niagara Galleries (ed.): Angelina Pwerle, Richmond 2000, exh. brochure, ISBN 0908298749

Nicholls, Christine: Yilpinji: Love Art & Ceremony, Craftsman House, Fishermans Bend 2006, ISBN 0975730371
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Nicholls, Christine and Ian North: Kathleen Petyarre, Genius of Place, Wakefield Press, Kent Town 2001, ISBN 1862545464
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Niehoff, Franz (ed.): Geteilte Erde. Malerei australischer Aborigines and Keramiken von Lotte Reimers, Landshut 2018, exh. cat., ISBN 9783942626354
Table of Contents    

Noonuccal, Oodgeroo: Stradbrokes Traumzeit. Geschichten, Edition Isele, Eggingen 1996, ISBN 3861420759
Cover Text    

Norris, Ray and Norris Cilla: Emu Dreaming: An Introduction to Australian Aboriginal Astronomy, Emu Dreaming, Sydney 2009, ISBN 9780980657005
Table of Contents    

Northern Editions (ed.): Land Mark - Mirror Mark, Darwin 2000, exh. cat.
Table of Contents    

Northern Territory University (ed.): Printabout. Lithographs, Etchings, and Lino Prints from the Northern Territory University Art Collection, Darwin 1993
Table of Contents    

Not Dead Yet. A Retrosepctive Exhibition.Therese Ritchie & Chips Mackinolty. 2010, exh. cat., ISBN 9780646538242
Table of Contents    

Obermeier, Werner (ed.): Art of Utopia, Adelaide 2008
Table of Contents    

O'Donoghue, Lois (ed.): Recognition, Rights and Reform. A Report to Government on Native Title Social Justice Measures, Canberra 1995, ISBN 0642225249
Table of Contents    

O'Ferrall, Michael A. (ed.): 1990 Venice Biennale, Australia. Artists: Rover Thomas, Trevor Nickolls, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth 1990, ISBN 073090783X

O'Ferrall, Michael (ed.): On the Edge - Five Contemporary Aboriginal Artists, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth 1989, exh. cat., ISBN 073090703

O'Halloran, Alec: The Life of Mick Namarari Tjapaltjarri, PhD Thesis, Australian National University, Canberra 2013
Table of Contents    

O'Halloran, Alec B.: Mick Namarari Tjapaltjarri. The Master from Marnpi, LifeDesign Australia, Sydney 2018, ISBN 9780959056549
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Oliva, Achille Bonito (ed.): Desert Art, 2nd ed., Milano 2002, exh. cat.
Table of Contents    

O'Neill, Peter (ed.): Charlie Tjaruru Tjungurrayi. A retrospective 1970-1986, Orange 1987, exh. cat., ISBN 0959222731
Table of Contents    

Outstation - art from art centres (ed.): Kuruyultu. Eunice Napanangka Jack, Darwin 2017, exh. brochure, ISBN 9780980837452

Pattel-Gray, Anne: The Great White Flood: Racism in Australia. Critically Appraised from an Aboriginal Historico-Theological Viewpoint, Scholars Press, Atlanta 1998 (Thesis University of Sydney)
Table of Contents    

Patton, Barry: Kungka Kunpu. Strong Women, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide 2022, exh. cat., ISBN 9781921668531
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Payne, Cathie: Tracking / Tracing: Contemporary Art from Australia, Stiftelsen, Bergen 2012, exh. cat.

Peile, Anthony Rex: Body and Soul. An Aboriginal View, Carlisle, Rossmoyne 1997, ISBN 0859052338
Table of Contents    

Pelletier, Adeline (ed.): Mirdidingkingathi Juwarnda Sally Gabori, Fondation Cartier pout l'art contemporaine, Paris 2022, exh. cat., ISBN 9782869251724
Table of Contents    

Perkins, Charles: A Bastard Like Me, Ure Smith Sydney, Dee Why West 1975, ISBN 0725402504
Cover Text    

Perkins, Hetti: Art + soul: a journey into the world of Aboriginal art, Miegunyah Press, Carlton 2010, ISBN 9780522857634
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Perkins, Hetti and Hannah Fink (ed.): Papunya Tula. Genesis and Genius, Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney 2000, exh. cat., ISBN 0734763069
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Perkins, Hetti and Jonathan Jones (ed.): Half Light Portraits from Black Australia, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 2008, exh. cat., ISBN 9781741740332
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Perreau, Nathalie: Der indigene australische Film als Ausdrucksmittel kultureller Identität, Diplomarbeit, Fachhochschule Mannheim, 2004
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Perrurle, Billy Benn and Catherine Peattie: Billy Benn, IAD Press, Alice Springs 2011, ISBN 9781864651164
Table of Contents    

Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts (ed.): AustrALIENS, Perth 2003, exh. brochure, ISBN 1875386491

Petitjean, Georges: Hedendaagse Aboriginal kunst. De AAMU collectie en Nederlandse verzamelingen, Snoeck, Gent 2010, ISBN 9789053497852
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Petitjean, Georges (ed.): Opening Doors, The Art of Yuendumu, Zwolle 2006, exh. cat., ISBN 9040081972
Table of Contents    

Petitjean, Georges and Akkie Groen: Paddy Bedford. Crossing Frontiers, Snoeck Publishers, Gent 2009, exh. cat., ISBN 9789053497753
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Petitjean, Georges and Lisa Slade: Anangu Collective, 5 Continents Edition, Milan 2021, ISBN 9788874399611
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Petitjean, Georges and Primat, Bérengère (ed.): Before Time Began, 5 Continent Editions, Mailand 2019, Aust. Kat., ISBN 9788874398768
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Pike, Jimmy and Pat Lowe: Jimmy and Pat Meet the Queen, Backroom Press, Broome 1997, ISBN 1876332069

Pinchbeck, Cara (ed.): Nongirrnga Marawili - from my heart and mind, Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney 2018, exh. cat., ISBN 9781741741407
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Pinchbeck, Cara (ed.): Yirrkala Drawings, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney 2013, exh. cat., ISBN 9781741741032
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Pizzi, Gabrielle: Contemporary Paintings from Papunya Tula, Melbourne 1989, exh. cat.
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Pizzi, Gabrielle (ed.): Beyond Myth. Oltre il mito, Melbourne 1999, exh. cat.
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Pizzi, Gabrielle (ed.): Voices of the Earth. Paintings, Photography and Sculpture from Aboriginal Australia, Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi, Melbourne 1996, exh. cat., ISBN 0646288954
Table of Contents    

Premont, Roslyn and Mark Lennard (ed.): Tjukurrpa. Desert Paintings of Central Australia, Centre for Aboriginal Artists, Alice Springs 1988, ISBN 0642131929
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Pring, Adele (ed.): Women of the Centre, Pascoe Publishing, Apollo Bay 1990, ISBN 0947087230
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proppaNOW (ed.): proppaNOW 2004-2008, 2009, ISBN 9780646510330
Table of Contents    

Quaill, Avril: Marking our times. Selected works of art from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Collection at the National Gallery of Australia, Thames and Hudson, Port Melbourne 1996, ISBN 06421303808
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Queensland Art Gallery/Gallery of Modern Art (ed.): mudunama kundana wandaraba jarribirri. Judy Watson, Brisbane 2024, exh. cat., ISBN 9781925922165
Table of Contents    

Queensland Art Gallery - Gallery of Modern Art (ed.): Mirdidingkingathi Juwarnda Sally Gabori: Dulka Warngiid - Land of All, Queensland Art Gallery - Gallry of Modern Art, South Brisbane 2016, exh. cat., ISBN 9781921503795
Table of Contents    

Queensland Art Gallery - Gallery of Modern Art (ed.): My Country. I Still Call Australia Home. Contemporary Art from Black Australia, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane 2013, exh. cat., ISBN 9781921503542
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Queensland Art Gallery (ed.): Nurreegoo: The Art and Life of Ron Hurley 1946-2002, Brisbane 2009, exh. cat., ISBN 9781921503061
Table of Contents    

Queensland Art Gallery (ed.): Story Place - Indigenous Art of Cape York and the Rainforest, Brisbane 2003, exh. cat., ISBN 1876509678
Table of Contents    

Rebecca Hossack Gallery: Songlines: Paintings from Balgo Hills, London 1990, exh. cat., ISBN 187200225

Rebecca Hossack Gallery (ed.): Sambo Barra Barra & Amy Jirwulurr Johnson, London 1999, exh. cat., ISBN 1872022561

Rebecca Hossack Gallery (ed.): Warlimpirrnga & Walala Tjapaltjarri, London 1999, exh. cat., ISBN 1872022510

Rebecca Hossack Gallery (ed.): Yirrkala1. Dhalwangu Bark Paintings from Yirrkala, London 1999, exh. cat., ISBN 1872022464

Reilly, Maura: Richard Bell. Uz vs. Them, D Giles Ltd, London 2011, exh. cat., ISBN 9781904832959
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Reinhardt, Brigitte and Ulmer Museum (ed.): Tracey Moffatt, Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern 1999, exh. cat., ISBN 377570874X
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Reynolds, Henry: Forgotten War, University of New South Wales, Sydney 2022, ISBN 9781742237596
Table of Contents    

Richards, Eirlys, Joyce Hudson and Pat Lowe (ed.): Out of the Desert. Stories from the Walmajarri Exodus, Magabala Books, Broome 2002, ISBN 1876541491
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Ritchie, Therese and Chips Mackinolty (ed.): Get well soon! A Diagnosis. New work by Therese Ritchie & Chips Mackinolty, 2014
Table of Contents    

RMIT University (ed.): The Fourth National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Visual Arts Conference. Appendix: Conference Proceedings, Melbourne 2002
Table of Contents    

Rose, Deborah Bird: Nourishing Terrains: Australian Aboriginal Views of Landscape and Wilderness, Australian Heritage Commission, Canberra 1996, ISBN 0642235619
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Rowley, C. D.: The Remote Aborigines, Penguin, Ringwood 1972
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Royal Academy of Arts (ed.): Australia, Royal Academy Publications, London 2013, exh. cat., ISBN 9781907533457
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Rubuntja, Wenten and Jenny Green: The town grew up dancing. The life and art of Wenten Rubuntja, Alice Springs 2002, ISBN 1864650427
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Rühl, Christiane: Die autobiographische Literatur australischer Aborigines-Frauen. Eine ethnologische Studie, Heidelberg Univ. Magisterarbeit 1996, Lang Verlag, Frankfurt 1997, ISBN 363131258X
Table of Contents    

Ryan, Judith: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Art in the Collection of the National Art Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne 2015, exh. cat., ISBN 9780724104031
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Ryan, Judith: Colour Power. Aboriginal art post 1984, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne 2004, exh. cat., ISBN 0724120566
Table of Contents    

Ryan, Judith: Ginger Riley, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne 1997, exh. cat., ISBN 0724101950
Table of Contents    

Ryan, Judith: Images of Power, Aboriginal Art of the Kimberley, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne 1993, exh. cat., ISBN 0724101608
Table of Contents    

Ryan, Judith: Living Water. Contemporary art of the far Western Desert, National Gallery of Victoria, exh. cat., Melbourne 2011, ISBN 9780724103478
Table of Contents    

Ryan, Judith: Paint Up Big. Warlpiri women's art of Lajamanu, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne 1990, exh. cat., ISBN 0724101454
Table of Contents    

Ryan, Judith: Raiki Wara. Long Cloth from Aboriginal Australia and the Torres Strait, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne 1998, exh. cat., ISBN 0724102035
Table of Contents    

Ryan, Judith: Spirit in Land. Bark Paintings from Arnhem Land in the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne 1990, ISBN 0724101470, exh. cat.
Table of Contents    

Ryan, Judith (ed.): Mythscapes. Aboriginal Art of the Desert from the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne 1989, exh. cat., ISBN 0724101365
Table of Contents    

Ryan, Judith and Philip Batty: Tjukurrtjanu: Origins of the Western Desert Art, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne 2011, exh. cat., ISBN 9780724103454
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Ryan, Veronica: From digging sticks to writing sticks. Stories of Kija women, Perth 2001, ISBN 0949426091
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Salon Art Projects (Hg): We Are The Old: Luku ?urru?gitj. Joe Dhamanydji & Matthew ‘Teapot’ Djipurrtjun, Darwin 2024, exh. cat.,

Sammlung Essl (ed.): Dreamtime. Zeitgenössische Aboriginal Art, Edition Sammlung Essl, Klosterneuburg 2001, exh. cat., ISBN 3902001038
Table of Contents    

Sammlung Essl (ed.): Spirit & Vision. Aboriginal Art, Klosterneuburg 2004, exh. cat., ISBN 3902001151
Table of Contents    

SASA Gallery (ed.): Shards, University of South Australia, Adelaide 2008, exh. brochure, ISBN 9780980359084
Table of Contents    

Sayers, Andrew: Aboriginal Artists of the Nineteenth Century, Melbourne 1994, ISBN 0195539958
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Sayers, Andrew: Australian Art, Oxford 2001, ISBN 0192842145
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Scheps, Birgit (ed.): Der Kontinent der Träume. Traditionelle and moderne Kunst der Ureinwohner Australiens in der Sammlung des Museums für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig, Leipzig 2000, Ausst. Kat, ISBN 3910031250
Table of Contents    

Schikorski, Tatjana Katharina: Unterrichtspaket Australia: Aborigines - facts about their culture and history, Material für Englischlehrer, Dokument V124298, GRIN Verlag, München 2009, ISBN 9783640316038

Scholes, Luke (ed.): the moment eternal: Nyapanyapa Yunipi?u, Darwin 2020, exh. cat., ISBN 9780648654223
Table of Contents    

Scholes, Luke (ed.): Tjungun_utja. From Having Come Together, Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin 2017, exh. cat., ISBN 9780648066705
Table of Contents    

Schröder, Klaus A. (ed.): Desert Dreaming - Australian Aboriginal Art: Die Donald Kahn-Sammlung, Albertina, Wien, 2007
Table of Contents    

Schröder, Klaus Albrecht and Angela Stief: The Beauty of Diversity, Albertina modern, Wien 2024, exh. cat., ISBN 9783950534085
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Schwarz, Janier: Beyond Familiar Territory - A sculptural Response to Mapping, Mining and Consumption, Thesis, The Australian National University, Institute of Arts, March 1999

Seattle Art Museum (ed.): Ancestral Modern. Australian Aboriginal Art. Kaplan & Levi Collection, Yale University Press, New Haven and London 2012, exh. cat., ISBN 9780300180039
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Seear, Lynne and Queensland Art Gallery (ed.): APT. Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Brisbane 2002, exh. cat., ISBN 1876509317
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Shaw, Bruce: Our Heart is the Land. Aboriginal Reminiscences from the Western Lake Eyre Basin, Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra 1995, ISBN 0855752548
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Simpson, Moira G.: Making Representations. Museums in the Post-Colonial Era, London, New York 2001, ISBN 0415067863
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Skeritt, Henry F. (ed.): The Inside World. Contemporary Aboriginal Australian Memorial Poles. From the Debra and Dennis Scholl Collection, DelMonico Books - Prestel, Munich, London, New York 2019, exh. cat., ISBN 9783791358161
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Skerritt, Henry F. (ed.): Beyond Dreamings. The Rise of Indigenous Australian Art in the United States, Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville 2018, exh. cat., ISBN 9780999830369
Table of Contents    

Skerritt, Henry F. (ed.): No Boundaries. Aboriginal Australian Contemporary Abstract Painting from the Debra and Dennis Scholl Collection, Prestel, München, London, New York 2014, exh. cat., ISBN 9783791354491
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Smith, Bernard: Australian Painting 1788-1990, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1991, ISBN 019553476X
Table of Contents    

Smith, Terry: "Aboriginal Art Now: Writing its Variety and Vitality". In: Australia Council, Redfern, and Third Eye Centre, Glasgow (ed.): Contemporary Aboriginal Art 1990 - from Australia. Aboriginal Arts Committee, 1990, exh. cat., ISBN 1862570701, S. 3-14

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (ed.): Antipodean Currents. Ten Contemporary Artists from Australia, New York 1995, ISBN 0892071451
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Sontag, Ilona: Urban Aboriginals and the relation to their cultural heritage: An analysis on the basis of selected poems, Dokument V114579, GRIN Verlag, München 2008, ISBN 9783640175413
Table of Contents    

South Australian Museum (ed.): Australian Aboriginal Cultures Gallery, Adelaide 2000, ISBN 1876416076
Table of Contents    

Spieler, Reinhard and Barbara J. Scheuermann (ed.): Punkt.Systeme. Vom Pointilismus zum Pixel, Kehrer Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin 2012, exh. cat., ISBN 9783868282501
Table of Contents    

Spörr, Bettina (ed.): Secession. Karrabing Film Collective, Verlag Walther and Franz König, Köln 2023, Ausst- Kat., ISBN 9783753304458
Table of Contents    

Spohr, Katharina: Western Desert Art. Zur Bedeutung des Dreaming in der zeitgenössischen schwarzaustralischen Kunst der Western Desert Region, Diplomarbeit, Universität Hildesheim, 1999
Table of Contents    

Sprengel Museum (ed.): The Native Born. Objects and representations from Ramingining, Arnhem Land, Hannover 2001, exh. cat., ISBN 3891691602
Table of Contents    

Städtisches Kunstmuseum Spendhaus Reutlingen (ed.): Bilderwelten in Utopia. Holzschnitte and Gemälde von Aborigines, Speyer 2004, exh. cat., ISBN 3980707229
Table of Contents    

Stephenson, Peta: The Outsiders Within. Telling Australia's Indigenous-Asian Story, University of New South Wales Press, Sydney 2007, ISBN 9780868408361
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Stokes, Deirdre: Desert Dreamings, Rigby Heinemann, Port Melbourne 1993, ISBN 0731217322
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Stourton, Patrick Corbally: Songlines and Dreamings. Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art, Lund Humphries Publ., London 1996, ISBN 0853316910
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Strahlhofer, Johanna: "Not BLAK enough?" Selbstbestimmung in der kulturellen Repräsentation von 'Aboriginality' im Spannungsfeld der Kunst, Akademikerverlag, Saarbrücken 2012, ISBN 9783639459777
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Strocchi, Marina (ed.): Ikuntji. Paintings from Haasts Bluff 1992-1994, IAD Press, Alice Springs 1995, ISBN 094965986X
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Summerhayes, Catherine: The Moving Images of Tracey Moffatt, Editions Charta, Milano 2007, ISBN 97881586387
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Supp, Eckhard: Australiens Aborigines. Ende der Traumzeit?, Bouvier Verlag, Bonn 1985, ISBN 3416018664
Table of Contents    

Sutton, Peter (ed.): Dreamings. The Art of Aboriginal Australia, Penguin Books Australia, Ringwood 1988, exh. cat., ISBN 0670824496
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Sykes, Roberta: Murawina. Australian Women of High Achievement, Doubleday, Sydney 1993, ISBN 0868244368
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Taipei Cultural Foundation, Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei: Wonderland. New Contemporary Art fom Australia, Taipei 2012, exh. cat.
Table of Contents    

Tandanya - National Aboriginal Cultural Institute (ed.): Deadly. In-between heaven and hell, Adelaide 2012, exh. cat., ISBN 9780987270207
Table of Contents    

Tandanya - National Aboriginal Cultural Institute (ed.): Mamaa. The Untouchable Ones. Wanjina works from the Ngarinyin of the north west Kimberley, Adelaide 2003, exh. brochure
Table of Contents    

Tandanya - National Aboriginal Cultural Institute (ed.): Putsch. proppaNOW, Adelaide 2010, exh. cat., ISBN 9780646528991
Table of Contents    

Tapper, Nick; Mossenson, Diane; Pickett, Violet (ed.): Shane Pickett Meeyakba, Mossenson Art Foundation, Coolbinia 2017, ISBN 9780980400953
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Taylor, Luke: Seeing the Inside. Bark Painting in Western Arnhem Land, Claredon Press, Oxford 1996, ISBN019823354X
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Taylor, Luke and National Museum of Australia (ed.): Painting the Land Story, Canberra 1999, exh. cat., ISBN 0642565449
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

The Australian National University, Institute for Indigenous Australia (ed.): Likan'mirri - Connections. The AIATSIS Collection of Art, Canberra 2004, exh. cat., ISBN 0958155941
Table of Contents    

The Rainbow Spirit Elders (ed.): Tainbow Spirit theology. Towards an Australian Aboriginal Theology, Harper Collins Religious, Melbourne 1997 (1999, 2000), ISBN 186371703X
Table of Contents    

The University of Melbourne, School of Art History, Cinema, Classics and Archaeology (ed.): Contemporary Aboriginal Art, 2006 Subject Reader, Melbourne 2006
Table of Contents    

The University of Newcastle, The University Gallery (ed.): Strong Women, Strong Painting, Strong Culture, Callaghan 2013, exh. brochure

Tim Klingender Fine Art (ed.): The Presence of Greatness. Early Wanjina Paintings & Indigenous Art of Western Australia, Double Bay 2013, exh. cat., ISBN 9780646909769
Table of Contents    

Tregenza, Elizabeth (ed.): Tjukurpa Pulkatjara: The Power of the Law, Wakefield Press, 2010, ISBN 9781862548909
Table of Contents    

Trezise, Percy: Traumstraße. Eine Entdeckungsreise zu den Felsmalereien der australischen Ureinwohner, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Sigmaringen 1998, ISBN 3799590269
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Tucker, Michael (ed.): Dream Traces. A Celebration of Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art, University of Brighton Gallery, Brighton 2003, exh. cat., ISBN 1901177289
Table of Contents    

Turner, Margaret Kemarre: Iwenhe Tyerrtye - what it means to be an Aboriginal person, IAD Press, Alice Springs, 2010, ISBN 9781864650952
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

University of Melbourne (ed.): Art & Land. Contemporary Australian Visions, Noosa Regional Gallery Queensland and The Asialink Centre, exh. cat., Melbourne 2000, ISBN 0734020260
Table of Contents    

University of South Australia Art Museum (ed.): Expanse - Aboriginalities, spatialities and the politics of ecstasy, Adelaide 1998, exh. brochure, ISBN 0868035106
Table of Contents    

University of Wollongong, Faculty of Creative Arts (ed.): Fabrics of Change. Trading Identities, Wollongong 2004, ISBN 1741280478
Table of Contents    

USC Art Gallery (ed.): Michael Cook 2010-2020, Sunshine Coast 2021, exh. cat., ISBN 9781925476132
Table of Contents    

Vaarzon-Morel, Petronella (ed.): Warlpiri. Women's Voices. Our Lives Our History, IAD Press, Alice Springs 1995, ISBN 0949659754
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Verein zur Vaeranstaltung von Kunstaustellungen (ed.): Große Kunstausstellung NRW, Düsseldorf 2003, exh. cat., ISSN 0931-0908
Table of Contents    

Voigt, Anna and Nevill Drury: Das Vermächtnis der Traumzeit. Leben, Mythen and Traditionen der Aborigines, Droemerscher Verlag, München 1998, ISBN 3426290456
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Volkenandt, Claus and Christian Kaufmann (ed.): Between Indigenous Australia and Europe: John Mawurndjul, Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin 2009, ISBN 9783496028093
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Walter, Trent (ed.): Brook Andrew. Theme Park, AAMU, Utrecht 2008, exh. cat., ISBN 9789081351614
Table of Contents    

Wanambi, Wukun, Henry Skerritt and Kade McDonald (ed.): Madayin. Eight Decades of Aboriginal Australian Bark Painting from Yirrkala, DelMonico Books D.A.P., New York 2022, exh. cat., ISBN 9781636810553
Table of Contents    

Ward, Matt and Paul Johnstone: Murrnginy. A story of metal from the east, Nothern Dtnre for Contemporary Art, Darwin 2021, exh. cat., ISBN 9780646842448
Table of Contents    

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Table of Contents    

Warlayirti Artists Aboriginal Corporation (ed.): Eubena Nampitjin - Art and Life, Balgo 2005, ISBN 0646450859
Table of Contents    

Warmun Art Centre (ed.): Garnkiny. Constellations of Meaning, Warmun 2014, ISBN 9780980762938
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

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Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Warnayaka Art Centre (ed.): Life in the Digital Desert, Lajamanu 2013, ISBN 9780646903187
Table of Contents    

Watson, Christine: Piercing the Ground. Balgo women's image making and relationship to country, Fremantle 2003, ISBN 192073130X
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Watson, Judy: "Judy Watson in Italy". In: Art Monthly Australia 56, Aboriginal Art in the Public Eye, Supplement, 1992-93, S. 39, ISSN 10334025

Watson, Judy: skullduggery, Cornerstone Press, 2022, ISBN 9780646856650

Watson, Judy and Louise Martin-Chew: judy watson blood language, Miegunyah Press, Darlton 2009, ISBN 9780522856583
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Wattler, Anna (ed.): Kulata Tjuta, Rennes 2020, exh. cat., ISBN 9781921668432
Table of Contents    

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Table of Contents     Cover Text    

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Table of Contents    

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Table of Contents    

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Table of Contents    

West, Margie K. C. (ed.): Yulyurlu. Lorna Fencer Napurrurla, Wakefield Press, Kent Town 2011, exh. cat., ISBN 9781743050095
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Westwood, Peter S.: Crossing. New art from Australia, Carlton 2002, exh. cat., ISBN 0958157715

Weyer, Edward Jr.: Primitive Peoples Today, Dolphin Books, New York 1961
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Wigge-Caase, Marlies: Waringarri, zur Rolle einer Aboriginal Resource Agency in der Entwicklungspolitik in den Kimberleys, Göttingen Univ. Diss. 1992, W.A. Holos-Verl., Bonn 1994, ISBN 3860970860
Table of Contents    

Wilkie, M.: Aboriginal Land Rights in NSW, Alternative Publishing Cooperative Ltd. (in association with Black Books, Glebe), Chippendale 1985, ISBN 909188858
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Williams, Mumu Mike: Kulinmaya! Keep listening, everybody!, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest 2019, ISBN 9781760524425
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Wilpert, C.B. (ed.): Der Flug des Bumerang. 40000 Jahre Australier, Hans Christians Verlag, Hamburg 1987, ISBN 3767210290
Table of Contents    

Winter, Joan G. (ed.): Native Title Business. Contemporary Indigenous Art, Keearia Press, Southport 2002, exh. cat., ISBN 0958529167
Table of Contents    

Wiradjuri, Janaka (ed.): Life, Love and Pain. An anthology of poems written by Stolen Generations Link up (NSW), Lawson 2007
Table of Contents    

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Table of Contents    

Wongar, Bahumir: Babaru. Geschichten aus Schwarzaustralien, Edition Isele, Eggingen 1997, ISBN 9861420996
Table of Contents     Cover Text    

Wongar, Bahumir: Die Seele, Lamuv Verlag, Bornheim-Merten 1985, ISBN 3889770363
Cover Text    

Woodhead, Alice and Tim Acker: Productivity, income and gender: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, CRC-REP Research Report CR012, Alice Springs 2015, ISBN: 9781741582666
Table of Contents    

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Table of Contents    

Wussow, Indra and Ralf-P. Seippel (ed.): Art Australia. Zeitgenössische Kunst, Köln 2003, exh. cat., ISBN 3980716198
Table of Contents    

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Table of Contents     Cover Text    

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Table of Contents     Cover Text