Viewing ofReference Material
Art students and others conducting research are welcome to make an appointment with us to view the works listed in the adjacent table.
It is also recommended for Europeans to use the online search system at KVK (Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog), in which all German and many European scholarly libraries list their available references. Sometimes the works are available for loan.
A list of further references about Australian art, which however are not yet in our reference collection, is also maintained and continually extended.
Literature in our Collection
Jones, Philip: Behind the Doors. An Art History from Yuendumu, Wakefield Press, Kent Town 2014, ISBN 9781743052945
Table of Contents ¦ Cover Text ¦ Review⁄Abstract
Table of Contents
Sponsor Statement -6-
Preface and Acknowledgements -7-
Yapa manu ngurrara The people and their home -11-
Introduction: Behind the Doors -17-
About the Artists -47-
Yukanjakurlangu The doors -53-
Door 1: Yaparranji-kirli Young Boys -55-
Door 2: Watijarra-kurlu Two Men -61-
Door 3: Watijarra-kurlu Two Men -67-
Door 4: Purlka-purlka-kurlu Old Men -73-
Door 5: Muturnapardu-kurlu Old Women -79-
Door 6: Wardilyka-kurlu manu Yankirri-kirli Bush Turkey and Emu -85-
Door 7: Puurda-kurlu manu Wanakiji-kirli Yam and Bush Tomato -91-
Door 8: Yarla-kurlu Big Yam -97-
Door 9: Ngarlajiyi-kirli manu Yarla-kurlu Small Yam and Big Yam -103-
Door 10: Ngarlkirdi-kirli Witchetty Grub -109-
Door 11 & 12: Karnta-kurlu Women -115-
Door 13: Karnta-kurlu manu Warna-kurlu Women and Snake -123-
Door 14: Karnta-kurlu manu Warlawurru-kurlu Women and Wedge-tailed Eagle -129-
Door 15: Warlawurru-kurlu Wege-tailed Eagle -133-
Door 16: Warlawurru-kurlu Wege-tailed Eagle -139-
Door 17: Ngatijirri-kirli Budgerigar -143-
Door 18: Ngatijirri-kirli Budgerigar -149-
Door 19: Janganpa-kurlu manu Jajirdi-kirli Possum and Native Cat -153-
Door 20: Janganpa-kurlu Possum -157-
Door 21: Marlujarra-kurlu Two Kangaroos -161-
Door 22: Yurrampi-kirli Honey Ant -165-
Door 23: Yurrampi-kirli Honey Ant -169-
Door 24: Yurrampi-kirli manu Wakapartari-kirli Honey Ant and Mulga Worm -173-
Door 25: Yurrampi-kirli manu Jipilyaku-kurlu Honey Ant and Duck -177-
Door 26: Warna-kurlu Snake -181-
Door 27: Ngapa-kurlu Rain -187-
Door 27A: Warna-kurlu Snake -191-
Door 28: Ngapa-kurlu Rain -195-
Door 29: Yiwarra-kurlu Milky Way -199-
Door 30: Wangarla-kurlu, Janganpa-kurlu manu Parra-kurlu Crow, Possum and Dawn -205-
A note on conservation -209-
Cover Text
The Yundemu Doors are among the freshest, most remarkable documents of Aboriginal art. Painted thirty years ago at a remote desert school by arists steeped in ritual knowledge, the Doors survived against the odds. After near-obliteration by desert winds, sun, and childrens grafiti, the Doors have been conserved and their powerful designs restored. "Behind the Doors" tells the story of these remarkable visual chronicles of Warlpiri country and Dreaming.