Literature in our Collection

Ryan, Judith: Spirit in Land. Bark Paintings from Arnhem Land in the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne 1990, ISBN 0724101470, Ausst. Kat.

Table of Contents        ¦         Cover Text        ¦         Review⁄Abstract

Table of Contents

Map -iv-

Acknowledgements -vi-

Foreword -vii-

Sponsor's Message -vii-

Introduction -1-

Contrary Worlds -5-

The Mission Era -9-

Evolution of a Market for Paintings on Bark -14-

A Sacred Geometry: Yolngu Art of North-Eastern Arnhem Land -22-

A Vigorous Art: the Diversity of Central Arnhem Land -48-

The Cosmic Within the Concrete: Art of Western Arnhem Land -76-

Conclusion -104-

Notes -117-

Bibliography -119-