Literature in our Collection

Smith, Bernard: Australian Painting 1788-1990, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1991, ISBN 019553476X

Table of Contents        ¦         Cover Text        ¦         Review⁄Abstract

Table of Contents

Introduction -vi-

Acknowledgements -vii-

Abbreviations -xi-

The First Artists 1788-1824 -1-

Artists on the Pastoral Frontier 1821-51 -25-

The Late Colonial Artists 1851-85 -48-

Genesis 1885-1914 -71-

Exodus 1881-1919 -126-

Leviticus 1913-32 -167-

Contemporary Art Arrives 1930-39 -205-

Rebirth 1939-50 -226-

Figurative and Non-figurative 1950-60 -289-

The Art Scene in the 1960s -333-

The Expressive and Symbolic Styles of the 1960s 353-

Pop Art and the Traditional Genres 1960-70 -387-

Colour Painting 1965-70 -418-

A Problematic Practice 1970-80 -452-

From the Desert: Aboriginal Painting 1970-90 -495-

Postmodern Plurality: 1980-90 -518-

List of Illustrations -558-

A Note on Books and Periodicals -565-

Index -568-