Viewing ofReference Material
Art students and others conducting research are welcome to make an appointment with us to view the works listed in the adjacent table.
It is also recommended for Europeans to use the online search system at KVK (Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog), in which all German and many European scholarly libraries list their available references. Sometimes the works are available for loan.
A list of further references about Australian art, which however are not yet in our reference collection, is also maintained and continually extended.
Literature in our Collection
University of Wollongong, Faculty of Creative Arts (Hg.): Fabrics of Change. Trading Identities, Wollongong 2004, ISBN 1741280478
Table of Contents ¦ Cover Text ¦ Review⁄Abstract
Table of Contents
Diana Wood Conroy: Introduction -4-
Paul Sharrad: Trade and Textiles in the Pacific and India -12-
Diana Wood Conroy: Fabricating Change: Bathurst and Melville Islands, Northern Territory -26-
Anne Collett: Stories in Bead and Buckskin, Button & Blanket -40-
Dorothy Jones: Assembling the Fragments -56-
Contemporary Artists -65-
Footnotes -66-
Illustrations -69-
Objects Exhibited -72-